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PHP ProgrammingBy James N HitzThe if Decision ConstructIf is the most common control statement. It tests to see if a statement is true or false. If the statement is true, PHP executes a specified statement block. The syntax is as follows: if(test expression){ statement block line1 statement block line 2 statement block line3... } The statement block is going to be executed is the statement enclosed in parenthesis evaluates to true. Let's take an example: if($age==18){ print "you are a young adult"); } In this code the line "you are a young adult" will only be printed if the age was supplied as 18. If you had assigned a different value to the variable $age then this will not be printed. Remember there's a difference between = and ==. == is used to test equality (it's the one you'll use in an if test expression). Most amateur programmers always put =. If you do, the line of code above will be printed at all times irrespective. This is because if you remember from lesson 1, = is used to assign NOT to test. << Decision-Making Control Structures | The if... else Decision Construct >> |
JamHitz Productions